For Most Lawns

Lawn care with 16-0-0 liquid fertilizer:

Recommended annual fertilization: 1.5-4.0 lbs Nitrogen per 1000 sq-ft.

1-gal bottle covers 3200 sq-ft, an application every 4 weeks, total of 8/yr. = 4 lbs/1000 sq-ft, to give a lush, green lawn.

For Lawns that are Mulched or are in the Shade

Use half as much fertilizer as given in the example above, i.e. 1-gal bottle would cover 6400 sq-ft, application every 4 weeks, total of 8/yr.

If Lawn is Distressed

Consider using 50 % more than normal lawns until lawn recovers.

If Lawn is Heavily Used

Consider using 25% more than normal lawns regularly.